Kamis, 21 Desember 2017

Amazing Dog Training Tips To try Right Now! How To Stop Your Dog From Barking

Few things in life can drive you crazy as a constantly barking dog. Whether they have that deep shuddering “Woof, woof, woof” or that ear piercing “Yap, Yap, Yap” it can do your head in very quickly.

The great news is that barking is not something that dogs need to do in order to be happy. In fact, generally speaking barking is a sign of stress, frustration, anxiety or over excitement and none of these emotions are particularly good for your dog. Or you!

Remember a content, relaxed dog does not bark!

So lets take a look at one specific type of barking and get you started on putting a stop to it… Dogs who bark when you are not at home is a very common issue.

Usually people have no idea that they have a problem until the neighbor or even worse the dog control officer pays you a visit.

Understanding why your dog is barking is the key to stopping it so you can actually address the cause of your dogs problem and not just treat the symptoms.
Now bear with me on this one because… you MUST remember you have to see it althrough your dogs eyes!

So think of it like this…
Your dog is a pack animal and understands that there are leaders and followers. And one of the pack leader's jobs is to protect the pack.

So when on Monday morning everybody leaves the house to go to work and leaves the dog at home alone they become stressed… and so would you if you lost your pack!

That’s the reason why they're stressed and barking. They are calling out to you to come back. They just are trying to do their job.

Think about it… If you are a parent with a young 3 year old child, one of your main jobs is to keep that child safe, so you keep an eye on them. All the time. All over the house you know where they are. They are safe.

You are relaxed.
If they suddenly walk out of the house and shut the front door behind them locking you in what would you do? Chase after them? Of course… But. What if the door was locked and you couldn’t open in. And all the other doors and windows are locked. Then what would you do…

Phone for help? Your dog doesn't have that option!

Shout for help? Well that is exactly what your dog is doing…
You certainly wouldn't sit down, relax and have a cup of tea, knowing your young child was wandering around the streets alone.

Are you starting to see why your dog is stressed and barking when you leave now? And all those other annoying behaviors such as chewing, destruction and trying to dig under the fence, or jump over the fence that only happen when you're not around… Yep, that’s right. They are all symptoms of a stressed dog that’s desperately concerned about you not being home and safe. Remember your dog can’t speak English to tell you any of this!

So what’s the solution? Well it’s almost certainly not by giving them a bone to chew on whilst you are away. Imagine saying to the parent who is totally stressed that their young child is out on the streets…

“Don’t worry, here’s a box of chocolates”! You may love chocolates but it is not going to work in this situation.

Toys jammed full of food and other distractions do not treat the cause of the problem either. They are only treating the symptoms and so may work, if you’re lucky, for half an hour or so – max – but not long term. Most of you will know that this doesn't work because you'll have already tried it!
The solution is actually very simple.
You need to become the pack leader in your dog’s eyes. Once you do this correctly your dog will not see it as their job to protect you.

You will be able to come and go as you please and they will be totally relaxed.This is the real solution to having a calm relaxed dog. No tricks here, just an honest understanding.
Now. Becoming the pack leader is not complicated. Anyone can do it, however it's not really something that I can explain in 2 minutes here. If you take a look at Doggy Dan’s website  he explains very powerfully how to establish yourself as the pack leader and stop dogs from barking when you leave them. There is even a $1 trial of the site that you can take advantage of right now.

Here though are additional tips that you can use in conjunction with becoming the pack leader that will help stop your dogs barking.
• Exercise: Exercise your dog before you leave them – a tired dog is more likely to relax
• Find the right space: Try leaving your dog in different areas – some dogs will relax more outside, others inside and some prefer smaller areas such as a washroom
• Fed and watered: Always leave water down and make sure that your dog is warm and fed before you leave
• Pick up the bones: Leave toys around for your dog but not bones
• Music and TV: Consider leaving music on for your dog or the TV
– these distractions can help
• Herbal remedies: There are some herbal products for dogs which can help relax them – but again they do not really treat the cause of the issue, they simply help relax them, and are also quite costly
• Dog walkers: A break in the middle of the day can certainly help break up your dogs day
• Leave calmly: Leave your dog calmly – whilst it's fun to get excited when you leave your dog it's better if you leave calmly.
Say goodbye 5 minutes before leaving to help them stay relaxed as you go
• Comfort jackets: There are also jackets and shirts available that are designed to comfort them – however they are very expensive and have limited success in my experience. I even know of one dog that actually ate it!

Unfortunately the popular idea that getting another dog is going to stop the problem is something I would stay well away from. Remember the source of your dogs issue is not boredom. After all, many dogs who bark all day when the owners leave are the same dogs who lie around the house doing nothing most of the weekend when they are at home!
So with all that said hopefully now you have a far better understanding of your dog's problem!

I would suggest if you are really serious about stopping the barking immediately then take a look at Doggy Dans site and become the pack leader. That will be the end of your issue.
To take advantage of your 3 Day $1 trial and take a look around this amazing site CLICK HERE There is actually an entire section dedicated to stopping this sort of barking under the dog problem section "Separation Anxiety".

It’s not hard but you have to understand your dog's problem through their eyes rather than human eyes! They do not want more bones, or biscuits shoved into a ball – what they want is a strong pack leader.

So get started now, take advantage of the 3 Day $1 trial now, don’t hang around. The sooner you turn things around the sooner your neighbors will be thanking you for it!


The Guaranteed Method for Dog Training How to stop your dogs digging

So what’s the score with my dogs digging? I hear you asking… Why are they doing it and how do I stop them destroying my beautiful back garden?

Well here’s the way your dog see’s it and its very different from how you think! In fact it will answer a lot of your questions.

Firstly though here’s what your dogs digging is not. Your dogs digging is not their attempt to annoy you, wind you up or simply ruin your new flower garden out of spite. Dogs simply are not like that…(you’re thinking like a human)

Natural behavior
Dogs are fun loving animals however and so many dogs will dig for fun. Younger dogs and puppies especially simply love exploring, investigating and having a good time in the soil, sand, mud, stones etc…it really doesn’t matter to them.

Sometimes dogs are doing it for specific reasons, such as they are too hot and are looking to dig into the cooler ground. Alternatively they could be cold and looking to build a bit of a den. They could simply have too much energy and are trying to channel it into something in which case more exercise will certainly help.

You need to cover off all these things before you simply start blaming your dog as a naughty dog!

Smelly fertilizers
One of the biggest motivators for dogs digging is if you have sprinkled some sort of fertilizer such as “blood and bone” or anything that has a smelly element to it. This will drive your dog wild so be careful where you sprinkle your magic garden food. Whilst we are on this topic be very careful with slug pellets which can be deadly for dogs. Some products on the market claim to be safe however if they do not say they are then you can assume that they are deadly and so do not use them!

Now back to the digging…so once you have given your dog plenty of exercise, removed any buried bones, stopped using smelly garden products and given your dog a nice shelter to stay warm you start to ask the question… “What now?”

Well digging like I say is a very normal activity, however excessive digging is not. In other words, most dogs dig and the secret is not to stop it but to work with your dog and manage their digging.

And don’t worry I shall explain how to stop any excessive digging aswell.

Digging pits
If you can focus your dogs digging into one area then you are halfway there. This can be done by creating a clear digging pit, possibly just a few pieces of wood with a couple of nails….You could even start the digging with a spade! If you put a few toys in, bury them and encourage your dog to dig in and maybe even bury a couple of tasty treats…just a couple of times you will be amazed at how quickly your dog starts to pay attention and get involved! Once your dog understand that they are ok to dig in one area but not in the middle of the lawn you are on your way to success.

Holes in the lawn
But what about the holes in the lawn? I here you ask, well… he best solution for holes that have started is to put a small brick or rock at the bottom of the hole and wedge it in. Then bury it back in a pack the earth in around it. Then if your dog tries to return to dig in that area they will become stuck when they get to the rock. No fun for your dog.

Most will give up. If they continue, I would walk over to them, guide them back over to your digging pit and encourage them to dig. If they keep going back to the lawn to dig, place them in timeout somewhere.

They will soon learn that they are not allowed to dig in the lawn. Digging when you are not there One of the biggest problems that people have is digging when they leave the property however the solution is quite simple. Rather than this being a excessive energy problem or a dog who loves digging problem it is a pack leader issue.

That’s right, your dog is digging most likely to try to escape the property to find you. That is why so many dogs who dig when the owner is away are digging around the base of the fence or gate. Owners will often say to me “my dog never digs when I am home, only when I am away” That’s right when you are home they relax and are happy, when you leave they try to find you.
They see it as their job to protect you and look after you. Many dogs will simply become stressed when they are left and channel their stress intodigging, anywhere. Destructive behavior such as chewing is the same thing, they are simply stressed as they think that their job is to protect and look after you.

Become the pack leader
In a nutshell you need to become the pack leader and then they will relax when you are not around. Not only this but so many other issues will also likely disappear when your dog understands that they are not in charge.

The best site I have come across to understand how to become the pack leader is Doggy Dan’s amazing website. And believe it or not but you can actually check it out here for $1! CLICK HERE That’s right, Dan gives you a $1 trial of the site for 3 days just so you can first see if you like it!
Becoming the pack leader using Doggy Dan’s method is not harsh or difficult it is a very kind and gentle way of working with your dog. It explains in some very simple steps exactly how to become the pack leader and the site also has fantastic sections on both raising the perfect puppy dog and stopping any unwanted behaviors.

Quite simply it is a fantastic site and one that I fully recommend you take a look at. Whatever your digging issue, becoming the pack leader will help your dog relax, when you are home or away and then any training that you put in place will have an effect. When it comes to dog training, if you are

not the pack leader you aren’t going to achieve anything fast.
So make sure that you get the order right…You need to first win your dogs mind and then you can train their body !

Make sense? And to win their mind and become the pack leader CLICK HERE then all the tips on stopping digging above will take care of the rest.

Remember, Dan gives you a $1 trial of the site for 3 days! To get YOUR access now just CLICK HERE 


5 Life-Changing Ways To Train Your Dog Discover How to Stop my puppy biting

This is the most common mistake people make with puppy mouthing, chewing and biting.
After reading this you'll probably never think of puppy training advice that you hear from others the same way. Hopefully you'll look at it all through your puppy's eyes…and that is when you will start to understand them.

Think about it…
Right now, millions of puppies are being taught by their owners to gently mouth their fingers and hands.

That’s right, we are training our puppies to do something that we then do not want them to do later on!

How odd! And yet… That is the standard way that it is taught. Teach your puppy to mouth gently and then start telling them they are doing it too hard and then we teach them not to do it anymore and if they do, it's the worst thing they could possibly do…

Confused? Sound complicated? Well, that’s because it is! No, don’t think you are alone, like I say, most people are taught to do this, and so was I when I started dog training and yet there is a much easier way. Here it is…
The big difference is that we must start as we mean to go on! Sounds logical – and it is… even your dog will appreciate that the rules don’t change as they grow up.

So here are the steps, somewhat simplified.
• Always provide your puppy with chew toys, chew things (could be a piece of wood)
• From the very start encourage your puppy to leave your fingers and clothes alone
• If your puppy mouths you then redirect them calmly onto something else
• If they continue to mouth you place them calmly on the floor and give a little yelp noise to let them know that their sharp teeth can hurt and move away
• If they continue to mouth you or your clothes take them calmly and quietly and place them into timeout for a minute or so.

Simple. Take it from me, this is a far easier approach. I adopted it from Doggy Dan’s video website The Online Dog Trainer which is such a straight forward approach to training puppies. If you want to check out the site which includes a video and section on mouthing for $1 on a 3 day trial then CLICK HERE 

Now, there’s a couple of things to remember:
1. First, when your puppy is only, say 8 weeks old, you should always give them several chances if they do accidentally mouth you. It's really around the 5 month old mark that you must no longer tolerate any mouthing at all…
2. Also when you call your puppy to you, make sure that you have something in your hand to put in their mouth. If you don't you are setting them up to fail. Humans give affection through our hands but puppies and dogs tend to use their mouths more so they need something to mouth when you are cuddling them!
3. The last tip is simply this, when your puppy starts to mouth you and ignores your chew toy, stay calm and place them on the floor. Do not start beating your chest saying “No!” “No Bite” in your most superior voice. (Another very old school training technique). This will only get them more excited… that's the last thing you need!

Understanding your puppy is the key to developing an amazing relationship with them. When you're able to see things through their eyes you'll start to see how your actions make them feel.

Doggy Dan’s video website with over 250 videos is absolutely fantastic for helping you see things from your puppies point of view. He even has weekly videos of how he raised his puppy, Moses, from 8 weeks of age. If you're serious about helping your puppy in a kind and gentle way that will lead to an amazing relationship over time then click here to take a look.
Remember, Doggy Dan gives you a $1 trial of the site for 3 days! To get YOUR access now just CLICK HERE
